Linux encrypted swap-space

Sunday, 10 February 2013 18:22 Admin

Linux encrypted swap-space



This guide will outline the basics of encrypting your swap-space in Linux; I'm using LInux Mint Maya in this example due to me ditching Ubuntu (sort of).


The benefits of having an encrypted swap-space are ones of security & plauseable deniability in the unfortunate event that your Linux machine fall into the wrong hands and someone tries to gain access to your important data; etc .... you get the Idea.


Here is a breakdown of the required steps to get your swap-space encrypted:

Lets begin;

Install the pre-requisites

sudo apt-get install cryptsetup libpam-mount

Here we're installing the cryptsetup suite and the pam_mount library which is a pluggable authentication module to allow the mounting of volumes for a user session.


Comment out the swap entry in your /etc/fstab file


sudo cp -p /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.bak ; sudo nano /etc/fstab

All we're doing here is taking a backup copy of our current /etc/fstab to /etc/fstab.bak then opening the /etc/fstab for editing; all as root (sudo).

In this file you see an entry similar to this:

UUID=bc000b00-f00d-0a0a-0ce0-0ff0bb000ddd none            swap    sw              0       0

All we have to do here is insert a '#' at the beginning of this line, this will tell the mount process that this is a comment meaning that no action will be taken against this entry:

#UUID=bc000b00-f00d-0a0a-0ce0-0ff0bb000ddd none            swap    sw              0       0


Disable swap-space (temporarily)


sudo swapoff /dev/sdxy

Where "/dev/sdxy" is the volume designation and partition number, you can get this from gParted if you are unsure (I'm not going to cover this here & besides if you need to encrypt your swap-space, I'd expect you to know what you're doing).

Make a note of the volume designation and partition number; we'll need it for the next few steps also.


Overwrite the swap partition with psuedo-random data


sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of =/dev/sdxy bs=1M

Here we're overwriting the swap-space partition with pseudo-random data (further reading here: if you're interested in the differences between /dev/random & /dev/urandom. You will need to change the value of "/dev/sdxy" based upon the configuration of your system.


Add the cryptoswap entry to /dev/crypttab


sudo gedit  /etc/crypttab

Then we need to add the line:

cryptoswap /dev/sdxy /dev/urandom cipher=aes-cbc-essiv:sha256,size=256,hash=sha256,swap

Here we are telling the system that we want it to create an encrypted volume on "/dev/sdxy" (change this to the correct information for your system).


Add a new entry in your /etc/fstab file for the encrypted swap-space


sudo nano  /etc/fstab

Add the following entry:

/dev/mapper/cryptoswap none            swap    sw              0       0

Save the changes and reboot.



All being well, you should have a system with an encrypted swap-space.  To verify this issue the following command:

sudo cryptsetup status cryptoswap

You should see the following:

/dev/mapper/cryptoswap is active and is in use.

We're done.

Last Updated on Sunday, 10 February 2013 20:00